- "What BLAST's max-target-sequences doesn't do" (2015 blog post, with links to follow up posts in 2018), an issue Suaji Kumar and I called a scary BLAST+ bug to do with alignment limits, which the NCBI BLAST team viewed as expected behaviour of a heuristic setting.
- "BLAST tie breaking by database order" (2018 blog post, with links to relevant older posts)
Over the Christmas break, there were two notable public developments. The BLAST team's reply was published, Madden et al. (2018) "Reply to the paper: Misunderstood parameters of NCBI BLAST impacts the correctness of bioinformatics workflows". Quoting from this:
"we examined the new example and it became clear that the demonstrated behavior was a bug, resulting from an overly aggressive optimization, introduced in 2012 for BLASTN and MegaBLAST (DNADNA alignments). This bug has been fixed in the BLAST+ 2.8.1 release, due out in December 2018. The aberrant behavior seems to occur only in alignments with an extremely large number of gaps, which is the case in the example provided by Shah and collaborators."
And BLAST+ v2.8.1 was released. Quoting the release notes,
"Disabled an overly aggressive optimization that caused problems mentioned by Shah et al."
So, what was this aggressive optimisation in BLASTN and MegaBLAST, and how did it combine with the internal candidate alignment limit and database order to produce counter intuitive results? It turns out to explain the details I'd not yet followed up from blog post part three.